Stop and take notice..
3:17 PM
Do you ever have the chance to stop and take notice of how beautiful the world around us is? Even if you're in a large city with few trees and lots of smog, there are still so many beautiful things you notice as you walk along. It could be a beautiful sunset, a pretty flower or the smile on the face of a stranger but we are surrounded by beauty every day. The trick is that you have to look for it sometimes because when your perspective is off, it's harder to notice the simple beauty of places, people and all the things on this earth. How lucky are we to be alive?
I came across this photo today and it's so beautiful and peaceful. It's the view of a sunrise from a mountain top and it's simply breathtaking. I hope to have the chance to photograph something as beautiful as this. I love taking photos. It's funny how through the viewfinder of a camera you notice so many beautiful things that you might have just missed otherwise!
Do you have any pictures that you consider truly beautiful? I think one of the most beautiful things to see as a parent is your child smiling or sleeping peacefully and smiling while he's dreaming. That to me is perfect bliss.
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