H&M Sweden Getting Attention For Plus Sized Mannequins.. Thoughts?
6:55 PM
H&M in Sweden is getting a lot of publicity for showcasing plus sized mannequins in their stores. The classic thin set mannequins were replaced by ones that were plus sized in a move that many are praising and others are criticizing.
What makes these models super realistic is a mixture of skin color, hair styles, and a variety of different body shapes. The different plus size models combine small hips, big buttocks, or even large busts. The idea behind the new plus size models is to vary the body shapes so that customers can better find what really suits them.
Do you think this was a smart marketing move by H&M or a dumb one? I personally think this is smart and really awesome that they're including larger, more realistic mannequins in their stores. The average woman in America is plus sized. Most women aren't lukcy enough to be as thin and petite as the average mannequin and it's nice to see how clothes would look on a plus sized woman so you have a more realistic expectation of how you will look in it.
Smart marketing move H&M!
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Let me know what you think below!